
What is Partnership?

Ecc 4:9, 12 – Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor… Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord cannot easily be broken.

The very concept of partnership is one that reflects a shared burden; A distributed weight; A yoking together through a common objective of co-labor. Your commitment to partner with RJM makes you a member of the Jonathan Generation, whose purpose is to intentionally strengthen another’s hand in God to fulfill their God-given assignment.


  1. Partnership allows any weight or burden to be distributed rather than rest on only one.
  2. Partnership allows for a synergetic effort.  The combined strength of two is greater than the sum of the individual parts.
  3. When you are yoked in a partnership you become a participator in the labor and a partaker in the reward.


Why Partner with Ron Jutze Ministries (RJM)?
Matt.16:18 “... I (Jesus) will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”

We are radical in our commitment to pastors and their congregations at the local church level. We believe that the local church is the greatest establishment on the face of the earth and that the church is the instrument God uses to manifest His grace, glory and power in these last days. Our desire is to assist local churches and their leaders in fulfilling the mission God has entrusted to them. 


Your contributions allow us to fulfill the Great Commission and facilitate ministry to any area that God would open the door, regardless of their ability to cover expenses.  It is our prayer to NEVER have to turn a ministry down that God would be sending us to due to lack of resources. Our intention is to Go where God says Go.  As you are aware, it takes money to do ministry.  Your contributions to this ministry will allow you to

  • reach where you may not ever go
  • sow seed into someone’s salvation you may never meet and
  • bring the delivering power of God to a lost and dying world.

SOW where you want to GO!

Our commitment to our partners
     … to strengthen YOUR hand in God

1) Daily prayer for our partners.

  1. For Christ to continue to be formed in you (Gal.4:19)
  2. For the Word of Christ to dwell richly in you (Col.3:16)
  3. For God’s provision to be manifested in your area of need (Phil.4:19)
  4. For the V.I.P Requests sent to us. See Prayer Closet section


2) Monthly Touch from Ron.

  1. You will receive a monthly word of encouragement from Ron to your cell phone or email via our “Partner Broadcast”.  So, please, make sure we have your most up to date contact information.


Our partners commitment to RJM:
   …to encourage RJM in fulfilling its ministry assignment

  • Pray daily for Ron Jutze Ministries:


  1. That we would fulfill the assignment God has given Ron and RJM. (Acts 26:19)
  2. For open doors to strengthen the Body of Christ to fulfill their God-given assignment, minister the gospel of Christ to the nations of the world, and be a harvesting tool to turn people to the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 15:41; Acts 26:16-18)
  3. For the resources to accomplish our ministry assignment and advance gospel ministry globally. (Deut.8:18)


  • Monthly Financial Contribution


  1. Commit to a specific amount each month, above the tithe to your local church. (2 Cor 8:3-5)  As fuel is converted to energy which causes a vehicle to move forward, so finances become the fuel that encourages ministry in moving forward. (Ezra 1:1-6)
  2. Read the information we send so that you are able to take advantage of any special offers we may have exclusively for our partners.

If you are interested in becoming a partner of the ministry, please take a few moments to complete the contact information below.

And remember - THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

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